Who We Help
The Aspire Supported Living housing solution is designed to be as flexible as possible in order that it can be tailored to suit the needs of the citizens within it.
It is this personalised approach that enables us to help such a wide spectrum of disadvantaged citizens.

We are able to offer assistance to citizens that are referred to us from a wide variety of backgrounds. These backgrounds include ex-offender, mental illness, homelessness, addiction or ex-service personnel. In addition to falling within one of these categories they would then also have to be in genuine need of a supported housing solution, ie unable to access housing through the mainstream market or other sources.
Where the above criteria are met then a referral can be made into our Tenancy Team, where citizens will be invited to attend a TPAS (Tenancy Pre Assessment Session) at the Aspire Supported Living office. Within this assessment we will confirm the initial referral elements are correct, and then gather further information to confirm each citizens eligibility and suitability for our housing solution. In addition to this a wide range of additional information will be gathered that enables a more accurate identifiaction of the correct housing solution to be made.
One specific area that must be considered when citizens are referred to us is that of benefits. There is some variability, depending on the background of the citizen, however in general terms citizens would need to be in receipt of ESA, DLA or PIP, in order to be eligible for the Aspire Supported Living housing solution.
Where a citizen is accepted into the system a specific housing offer may then be made to them. This however would only be made once a PSA (Property Selection Assessment) has been completed. This process checks the level of risk to both the new citizen, existing citizens and local community, of placing them within the identified property.
Where a PSA repeatedly indicates a non-match then a citizen may unfortunately have to be refused progression into the system. This decision would not be taken lightly. We must however consider the wider impact on anyone involved, of any housing decisions that are made by Aspire Supported Living.